The Radiation Protection Group
GL: Dr. Stefan Roesler, DGL: Dr. Heinz Vincke
Assistant: Roxana Banica
The Radiation Protection Group of the HSE Unit, HSE-RP is responsible for Radiation Protection at CERN, i.e. the protection of persons from potentially harmful effects of ionizing radiation linked to CERNs installations and activities.
To achieve its mission HSE-RP shall:
- assess and control radiation hazards of CERNs installations, activities, projects and experiments;
- define protective measures against ionizing radiation and monitor their implementation;
- ensure dose monitoring of all persons working in CERN Radiation Areas; and
- be responsible for the management and handling of radioactive sources and radioactive waste.
In particular HSE-RP:
- assesses the hazards of ionizing radiation from CERN installations and activities and their associated risks and defines the appropriate protective measures;
- develops and maintains tools, instruments and methods appropriate for the assessment of radiation hazards and risks particular to the CERN installations and activities;
- monitors the implementation and the effectiveness of the protective measures by measuring radiation levels and ambient and personal doses;
- leads the implementation of the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle in the design, operation and decommissioning of CERN’s accelerators and experiments;
- authorizes (suspends) the operation of an installation (including equipment) or activity generating ionising radiation in case of compliance (non-compliance) with CERN’s Radiation Protection rules;
- provides expert advice and technical support to CERN Departments and Experiments in matters of Radiation Protection;
- manages the interim storage, treatment and disposal of radioactive waste;
- defines the Organization’s regulatory framework in matters of Radiation Protection;
- contributes to the implementation of the Tripartite Agreement on Radiation Protection and Radiation Safety;
- provides a personal dosimetry service to monitor individual doses of Radiation Workers;
- develops and operates a radiation and environmental monitoring system;
- provides a radioactive shipping service for the import and export of radioactive material and sources;
- provides a radioactive sources service for managing and providing radioactive sources;
- provides a calibration service for Radiation Protection instruments to ensure the metrological traceability of measurements;
- provides a radio-analytical laboratory for the radiological characterization of equipment and samples.
HSE-RP organisational chart HSE-RP homepage
Mandates per section:
Dosimetry and calibration service
Mandate of the Radioactive Waste Management Section (HSE-RP-RWM)