Risks associated with the chemical agents

The CERN Safety Rules and related documents listed below relate and apply to chemicals, including chemical agents, prevention and protection measures, asbestos...

Chemical Safety rules were subjected to a substantial review in 2011. Indeed, 16 Safety Rules and related documents were published in March 2011. Other related documents were published in 2011. These new publications are presented visually in the diagram to the right.

For any information and/or questions relating to associated with chemicals, please contact the HSE Unit: Safety.Info@cern.ch

For use of CERES, CERN’s chemical database; please use this link

Safety Regulations (SR)

  • SR-C

    Chemical Agents

    The purpose of this Safety Regulation is to define the minimum Safety requirements for the protection of persons from risks to their health and safety arising, or likely to arise, from the effects of hazardous chemical agents that are present at the workplace or used in any CERN activity.

    It applies to any CERN activity involving hazardous chemical agents.

General Safety Instruction (GSI)

  • GSI-C-1

    Prevention and protection measures

    The purpose of this General Safety Instruction is to define the minimum Safety requirements which prevention and protection measures must satisfy in order to ensure the protection of persons from risks to their health and safety arising, or likely to arise, from the effects of hazardous chemical agents that are present at the workplace or used in any CERN activity.

    It applies to any CERN activity involving hazardous chemical agents.

  • GSI-C-2

    Explosive atmospheres

    The purpose of this General Safety Instruction is to define the minimum Safety requirements to ensure the protection of persons from risks to their occupational health and safety arising, or likely to arise, from explosive atmospheres.

    It applies to all CERN activities involving hazardous chemical agents where explosive atmospheres are present or may be present.

  • GSI-C-3

    Monitoring of exposure to hazardous chemical agents in workplace atmospheres

    The purpose of this General Safety Instruction is to define the minimum Safety requirements regarding the monitoring of exposure to hazardous chemical agents in workplace atmospheres.

    It applies to all CERN activities where hazardous chemical agents are present or are likely to be present in workplace atmospheres. 

Safety Instructions (IS)

  • IS 32

    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) (1986)

    Rules for the safe use of PCB and for the elimination from CERN in a controlled and safe manner, to conform to the legislation of the Host-States.

  • IS 42

    Compressed gas bottles (1995)

    Safety rules for the transport, use and storing of cylinders to avoid fire or explosion hazards.

  • IS 43

    Asbestos - Dangers and precautions (2003)

    The purpose of this safety instruction is to remind the CERN personnel of the safety instructions prohibiting the use of asbestos, of those concerning the management of asbestos in situ and those governing activities entailing a risk of exposure to asbestos.

  • IS 49

    Avoiding chemical pollution of water (2002)

    This instruction gives a definition of chemical pollution and examples of common water pollution hazard. It explains the role of the SC services in matters of the environmental protection, lists the activities and circumstances that may lead to pollution. It outlines practical measures to be obeyed to prevent pollution and instructs how to behave when pollution or leakage of polluting liquids is observed or believed. Finally, it explains legal aspects of water pollution, including INB regulations, and addresses liaisons with the Host States in matters of environmental protection.

Safety Guidelines

  • SG C-0-0-1

    Identification of hazardous chemical agents

    This Safety Guideline is intended to provide practical advice for the identification of hazardous chemical agents. Safety Regulation SR-C, Chemical agents requires the identification to be followed-up with an assessment of the risks and the adoption of suitable prevention and protection measures. All relevant information must be recorded in the Safety Form C-0-0-1, Chemical risk assessment.

  • SG C-0-0-2

    Chemical risk assessment (Inhalation)

    In accordance with Safety Regulation SR-C, Chemical agents, this Safety Guideline is intended to assess the level of risk from inhalation and determine the control measures appropriate for a given activity involving hazardous chemical agents. It is a simplified assessment method which can be used together with the requirements for the monitoring of exposure to hazardous chemical agents in workplace atmospheres given in General Safety Instruction GSI-C3, Monitoring of exposure to hazardous chemical agents in workplace atmospheres.

  • SG C-0-0-3

    Safe Handling and Storage of Lead at CERN

    This Safety Guideline provides guidance for the handling and use of lead.
    Reminder: As lead is a hazardous substance, the general prevention principles (Substitution, Technical Protection measures, Organisational measures, Personal protective measures - STOP principle) apply (cf. SR-C).

  • SG C-0-0-4


    This Safety Guideline is intended to provide practical advice concerning the steps to be taken if you use hazardous substances which have been registered under REACH.

  • SG C-0-0-5

    Safe handling and disposal of nanomaterials

    This Safety Guideline is aimed at those people who, in the course of their duties, handle nanomaterials or those who are responsible for putting in place control measures for activities involving nanomaterials.

  • SG C-1-0-1

    Storage of hazardous chemical agents

    In accordance with General Safety Instruction GSI-C1, Prevention and Protection Measures, this Safety Guideline is intended to give directives concerning the storage of hazardous chemical agents. Chemical agents must be stored either in a central storage area or in the chemical laboratory or workshop. Workbenches or fume cupboards must not be used for the storage of chemical agents, but rather for placing chemical agents which are in use. At the end of the working day chemical agents must be returned to storage, either to a cabinet in the laboratory or else to the central storage area.

  • SG C-1-0-2

    Chemical protective gloves

    This Safety Guideline is intended to indicate the chemical protective gloves available in the CERN stores and to provide advice on their choice, use and maintenance.

  • SG C-1-0-3

    Practical guide for users of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems

    This Safety Guideline is intended to provide users of LEV systems with practical advice on how to ensure their system is effective as a control measure for preventing exposure.

  • SG C-2-0-1

    Explosion protection measures

    This Safety Guideline is intended for use with all activities which involve flammable substances and which may give rise to explosive atmospheres and so explosion hazards. It provides practical advice for the implementation of protection measures.

  • SG C-2-0-2

    Identification and prevention of explosion hazards

    This Safety Guideline is intended for use with all activities involving flammable substances which may give rise to explosive atmospheres and hence explosion hazards. It describes the method to be used for the assessment which must be recorded using the Safety Form C-2-0-1, Explosion Risk Assessment.

  • SG C-2-0-3

    Practical guide for classification of hazardous areas

    This Safety Guideline is intended to provide FGSOs with practical advice on how to perform and record the classification of hazardous areas.

Safety Forms (SF)