- Introduction
- Regulatory framework
- Useful contacts
- Safety inspections
- Electrical safety information: CERN sockets
- Electrical safety posters
Electrical safety starts with design. Ensuring that all systems are designed with safety in mind is the first line of defense against accidents. Proper design includes risk analysis and mitigation, compliance with standards as described in IS 24 and maintainability.. By embedding safety into the design phase, risks during installation and operation can be significantly reduced, leading to safer work environments.
- When planning an intervention, you are responsible for ensuring all steps of the process for safe works.
- Ensure you have followed the appropriate electrical safety training courses, applicable to your habilitation level and needs (see guidelines available In ‘’View Course details’’ in each Electrical Accreditation Course).
Report all electrical incidents / faults immediately, using the EDH “Incident Declaration” form and approved channels.
In case of emergency or incident, call the CERN Fire & Rescue Service on +41 22 76 74444.
Regulatory framework
Prior to undertaking any works that involve electrical equipment, please ensure you get acquainted with the complete regulatory framework on all matters related to electrical Safety, with all documents available on this link.
In particular:
- Electrical Safety Code C1
- Regulations applicable to electrical installations (IS24):
- these define the requirements for Electrical installations at CERN.
- Emergency stops (IS5):
- these describe the two types of emergency stops (general and local emergency stops), the definition of the buildings or areas to be equipped, and effects due to these emergency stops on power supplies or accelerators. Exceptions and rules for safety equipment.
- Fire safety and resistance requirements for cables (SSI-FS-2-1)
Useful contacts
HSE provides advice on the design, manufacturing, installation, inspection and testing procedures of the electrical equipment and distribution with a view to achieving compliance with the pertinent CERN Safety Rules, IEC standards, European directive. This support includes:
- Providing support for engineering design, testing and manufacturing files.
- Technical advice on the applicable standards to be followed.
- Providing support for commissioning and testing procedures.
- Electrical Safety inspections.
For questions regarding electrical safety, contact : electrical-safety-specialist@cern.ch
Service Leader: Marco Andreini
Safety inspections
The electrical safety inspection can be requested by sending the completed form EDMS 1212097 to Electrical-Verifications.Service@cern.ch
Electrical safety information: CERN sockets
Swiss Sockets
- Do you know the maximum load of each type? Check this link for more information.
Euro Sockets
- Do you know the maximum load of each type? Check this link for more information.
Electrical safety posters
Electrical safety posters are available below for your use. Please download, print, display and distribute them to promote electrical safety awareness.
Electrical safety: gloves
Check the technical specification of different gloves types on this link.
Consult the following poster for how to use & how to select appropriate gloves. (poster pending final approval)
The poster (PDF) can be downloaded from EDMS 3138084.
Electrical safety: Shock prevention - direct contact
Consult the following poster for prevention advice regarding direct contact shock risks. (poster pending final approval)
The poster (PDF) can be downloaded from EDMS 3123073.
Electrical safety: Shock prevention - indirect contact
Consult the following poster for prevention advice regarding indirect contact shock risks. (poster pending final approval)
The poster (PDF) can be downloaded from EDMS 3138082.
Electrical safety: RCD (Residual Current Device)
Use the following poster to remind colleagues of the importance of RCDs and how to test them. (poster pending final approval)
The poster (PDF) can be downloaded from EDMS 3138086.