HSE Futur Site pictures
Différentes photos de mise-en-situations pour le futur site HSE (Image: CERN)


The mission of the CERN Medical Service is to support and protect the physical and mental health of members of the personnel. Our commitment is based on four main areas:

  • Infirmary: providing primary care, advice and appropriate guidance to quickly address health needs.

  • Occupational health medicine: ensuring that members of the personnel are fit to perform their duties, while preventing the impact of occupational risks on their health.

  • Mental health support: offering psychological support and prevention services to support members of the personnel in their mental health.

  • Prevention and health promotion: implementing prevention and promotion actions aimed at raising awareness of good health practices in the CERN community, promoting a healthy working environment, and preventing risks related to physical and mental health.

Our team of healthcare professionals work in collaboration with internal and external partners at CERN to ensure comprehensive and tailored care for each situation.

Services & support

Team overview
For Employed Members of Personnel and students
For anyone on the CERN site
For all Members of Personnel
Health@Work resources
Find a doctor in France or Switzerland
Information from CERN and the Host States
Guidance and advice for specific situations