The Radiation Protection Group assists the Logistic Services in organizing the shipping of all radioactive material from CERN to other institutes or external organizations, for the radiation protection issue. The Radiation Protection Group also assists the Logistic Services to check on reception of all radioactive materials that arrive on CERN’s sites from external institutes. Any person wishing to ship or import radioactive materials must contact the Radiation Protection Service RP beforehand, as well as the Logistic Services for urgent requests.
Building 24/R-006
Email: service-rp-shipping@cern.ch
Tel: +41 22 766.27.17
Export of radioactive material
Procedure to follow when shipping radioactive material outside CERN:
Contact the CERN radiation protection responsible of the zone from where the shipping is to take place.
For all shipping of radioactive material, the addressee institute or organization must be authorized to receive and handle radioactive materials. The applicant must make sure that the Radiation Protection Group is in possession of the "license to use radioactive substances" (for the addressee institute or organization). This document must be up-to-date. The details of a contact person who is responsible for radiation protection matters (Officer for Radiation Protection Safety: RSO) must also be known. To ensure this, please follow the stages described below:
1st stage:
Check that the addressee institute or organization is authorized to receive and handle radioactive materials ("license to use radioactive substances"). Click on the following Internet address: CERN - Radship
Check that the institute is listed in the database.

If the institute or organization is not in the list, then:
The applicant must fill in a form in order to provide the various elements necessary so that the institute or organization can be registered with CERN as an institute or organization entitled to receive and handle radioactive substances.
A license or certificate (*) must be provided. If the license/certificate is not in French or in English, a translation is mandatory.
(*) A License/Certificate = paper delivered by your national authorities, stating that you are authorized to import/export/work/handle radioactive material.
2nd stage:
If your institute is in the list check that the institute’s license is not out-of-date:
If the license is out-of-date, check with service-rp-shipping@cern.ch (or 62717) the reason (generally registered in our database). It may happen, that the applicant have to ask the addressee institute or organization for a new license and use the form to register the new certificate.
Also check that the name of the RSO is indicated, and that it has been accepted by HSE/RP (if not, contact service-rp-shipping@cern.ch)

3rd stage:
You must use TREC database to ask external shipping for your items. Choose “dispatch outside CERN” and follow the steps indicated by TREC.

As soon as RP have measured the materials, an EDH request for shipping will be automatically generated and sent to you. At this point, you have to check the document, modify it (choose the institute as consignee, etc…) and sign it.
For all shipping requests with "permanent duration", please attach a proof of ownership to the EDH document (will be systematically required).
As you have already checked that your institute is in the Radship database (see 1st stage), it will be available for radioactive shipping in EDH. If not, please go back to 1st stage, and if the problem is still present, contact RP Shipping Service at service-rp-shipping@cern.ch
RP Shipping Service will take care of the transfer of the materials to 24/E-030, in order to prepare the shipping (measurements, packaging …)
Once the results of the measurement will be known, and the packaging finished, an email will be sent by RP shipping service to the institute’s Radiation Protection Safety Officer (RSO), to ask his/her approval for receiving the material.
Until CERN’s Radiation Protection Service (Radioactive Shipping Service) receives a reply, the material cannot leave CERN.
Once the reply is received, shipping can take place. Shipping are done under CERN responsibility in agreement with ADR/IATA/IMDG regulations. For this reason, only entitled carrier and commissioned by CERN are authorized.
For all questions related to delivery time / schedule / freight company, please contact Logistic Services SCE-SSC-LS.
Import of radioactive material
Procedure to follow when importing radioactive material:
The shipment of radioactive goods to CERN is not allowed, unless a written "ready-to-receive" approval by a CERN transport officer is given. Therefore, an intended consignment of radioactive materials, sources or packages to CERN has to be announced in advance to our service.
Since 07.01.2008, a new interface has been put in place to help you with your import declaration:
Check if your institute is registered in our database using this link. If your institute is not registered in our database, please use this interface to do so.
For each import of radioactive materials, sources or packages to CERN, please fill in this form.
In case you need help or additional information, do not hesitate to contact the Shipping Service at service-rp-shipping@cern.ch
In all cases, the import of the radioactive materials must be made in strict compliance with the international rules in force for the transport of dangerous goods, under the responsibility of the sender and in liaison with the Radiation Protection Service of the sender’s organization.
Import can start only after agreement of CERN Radiation Protection Service (Radioactive Shipping Service).
Address your packages to:
Radiation Protection Group
Attn. RP Shipping Service (+41 22 766.27.17)
Esplanade des Particules 1
1211 Genève 23
On arrival, only possible during business hours, please inform CERN’S Radiation Protection Group so that it carries out a check on the imported material and can give adequate instructions for storage and conditions of use.
Meyrin site: +41 22 766.27.17
Prévessin site: Be careful: under temporary restrictions, please contact +41 22 766.27.17 in advance to foresee any problem.
If shipment allowed, on arrival please contact: +41 22 766.27.17
Please take note that
- CERN cannot play the role of a gateway for radioactive shipping. The shipping must be done from consignor to consignee without passing through CERN area.
- Packages must be delivered to CERN door. CERN will not pick up a package at the airport or at any other location.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Phone: +41 22 766.27.17