Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

REMUS (Radiation and Environment Monitoring Unified Supervision) is the software in charge of providing Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition for the entire suite of monitoring stations of HSE.
These monitoring stations cover all radiological and environmental parameters that can potentially be affected by the operation of the facilities of the Organization.
REMUS is an innovative system, allowing run-time installation of equipment, run-time edition of synoptic and heterogeneous equipment interfacing.
REMUS provides synoptic views, real time and archived measurements and events to:
- HSE Radiation Protection Experts
- HSE Environmental Specialists
- CERN Control Centre (CCC), Experiment Control Rooms, Safety Control Rooms
- CERN Fire Brigade
REMUS strengths:
- Reliability: REMUS is fully redundant. Availability of REMUS is above 99.99% since production launch (2013-2023)
- Scalability: Number of archived records : 80 Bn/year; Number declared alarms: 125 000; Number tags: 900 000
- Performance: REMUS handles a throughput of 25 000 Input/Output operations per second. Client start up in less than 10sec.
- Adaptability: REMUS Interfaces 87 different types of electronics.
- Cost-Effectiveness: New Equipements, Applications, Synoptic can be created and deployed in run-time, without intervention of REMUS IT Team.
PCaPAC 2018: Innovative Graphical User Interfaces Development: Give the Power back to Users
ICALEPCS 2015: REMUS: The new CERN Radiation and Environment Monitoring Unified Supervision
PCaPAC 2018: Innovative Graphical User Interfaces Development: Give the Power back to Users
ICALEPCS 2015: REMUS: The new CERN Radiation and Environment Monitoring Unified Supervision
Data Visualisation Tool

ERGO (Environment and Radiation Graphic Observer) is a Data Visualisation Tool, based on Java 11 and JDavaViewer. It provides CERN Control Rooms access to all the historical and near-real-time Measurements and Events recorded by the REMUS system.
The data is fetched from various data sources with different latencies and time resolutions. Oracle Rdb and NXCALS are used for historical data; Kafka and InfluxDB for near-real-time data:

Data Analysis Toolbox

REMUS Web is a web infrastructure that allows REMUS users to visualize and extract near-real-time and historical data from desktop and mobile devices. It collects and combines data from multiple sources and presents it to the users in a format suitable for analysis. The application allows real-time access to SCADA data away from the control room, which is important to assess and intervene quickly in critical situations. REMUS Web is based on modern web technologies, using as main technologies React for the front-end and Spring Boot for the back-end.
REMUS Web includes the following functionalities:

REMUS Web relies on state-of the-art technologies for web applications, such as Spring Boot, React and WebSockets:

Using the same Data Access API as ERGO, it allows REMUS users to access trends from web-browsers (desktop or mobile):

Link (Access restricted to REMUS Users):
ICALEPCS 2023: Web Dashboards for CERN Radiation and Environmental Protection Monitoring
ICALEPCS 2023: Web Dashboards for CERN Radiation and Environmental Protection Monitoring
REMUS Support Team
REMUS Support Team is in charge of:
- Coordination of REMUS Servers Administration (with IT, BE-CO)
- Coordination of REMUS Windows cluster Management (with IT)
- Installation of CERN-wide framework components (JCOP & UNICOS from EN-ICE)
- REMUS performance assessments
- User Training of REMUS, ERGO & REMUS Web, organized on demand
- User support (JIRA tickets, phone calls, e-mails)
- Corrective maintenance of REMUS, ERGO & REMUS Web
- Test, Preparation and Deployment of REMUS, ERGO & REMUS Web releases, patches and hotfixes
- Declaration of new REMUS Applications
- Management of OPC addressing
- Assessment of user needs: Initiation of projects if need be (e.g.: A new type of equipment need to be interfaced with REMUS)
Support and Contact:
Knowledge Transfer: